Friday, November 2, 2012

Intramural Sports Field

The intramural sports field is also considered part of the Student Recreation Complex and helps with aerobic exercise, along with fun and games.  It is located in front of the SRC and is available for use by any student who wishes to use it.  These fields are very well maintained and are used by the intramural sports teams, which are available to all students at a certain fee.  The intramural sports fields are a great addition to the SRC due to the both female and male students that come from very sports driven high schools and families.  Collegiate football teams are very tough to make and the SRC has created these intramural sports as an opportunity for students to somewhat further there enjoyment of the sports they have grown to love. 

These intramural sports fields and programs that the SRC has created are a ton of enjoyment and help to get you healthy physically as well as mentally.  This program that was made has given the students a large amount of opportunity for every student resulting in a lot of motivation.  It has been shown that motivation is easily lost in those who go to the weight rooms and gyms due to loss in interested and stress on the body and mind.  However, many who have participated or played sports with teams in the past find that motivation is almost of no concern whatsoever.  

When motivation is no longer a factor in exercise becoming healthier will become a lot easier.  In this case, it is as if exercise makes a transition from something that is needed to be done to something that one loves to do.  For many, this is what the intramural fields have created. For these reasons, the intramural field and sports program has been and will continue to be a great addition to the SRC.

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